
她的声音——Ayesha Waseem

数字她 was set up to address the gender imbalance in the digital and tech industry in Greater Manchester. Our programmes aim to inspire the next generation of women to join the industry, 并支持当前在这个行业工作的一代人.

Tell me about your journey into working in the digital and tech industry.

My journey into the digital and tech industry began in 2006 when I graduated from a Pakistani university with a strong foundation in computer science. In 2007, 我搬到了英国,成为了一名家庭主妇, 全身心投入到养家糊口中. 然而, I was eager to continue pursuing my passion for technology and enrolled in an MSC program in Advanced Software Engineering as soon as my children joined school in 2014. This allowed me to update my skills and stay current with the latest industry trends, 为我在数字和科技行业的职业生涯做准备. 

My MSC degree landed me my first tech job as a Junior Web Developer. 然而, I took a break in my career to welcome my youngest child into the family. 有一次,我准备重拾对科技的热情, I enrolled in the Mindweaver program and joined BAE Systems as a Data Engineer Consultant. This program provided me with the opportunity to upskill and update my knowledge and gave me the confidence to pursue a career in the digital and tech industry. 我现在很高兴能成为BAE系统公司团队的一员, contributing my skills and expertise to meaningful and impactful projects.

一路走来,你遇到了什么样的挑战? 你是如何克服它们的?

我的道路并不完全是传统的, but bridging the learning gap was one of my most important challenges. Participating in programs like Mindweaver helped me fill that gap by learning about new tools and technologies.

你有导师吗?如果有,他们是如何帮助你的 & 鼓励你?

我从未有过正式的导师, but I was fortunate enough to receive support from my wonderful colleagues, 我由衷地感谢他们的帮助.

What is your favourite thing about being part of the industry?

One of the most exciting things about being part of the tech industry is the opportunity to learn new things every day. 这个行业在不断发展, and there are always new technologies and innovative solutions to explore. 这也是一个回报丰厚的行业, as technology has the power to solve complex problems and make a positive impact on society. 另外, the tech industry provides endless opportunities for continuous learning and growth, 无论是通过提高技能, 参加会议和活动, 或者从事新的、有挑战性的项目. This allows professionals in the tech industry to stay engaged and passionate about their work, 并为他们周围的世界做出有意义的贡献.

Why is it important for programmes such as 数字她 to inspire young people to join the industry?

It is crucial to launch programs like 数字她 to support future generations because it promotes diversity and inclusivity in the tech industry. Women and other underrepresented groups have historically been excluded from the field, which has resulted in a lack of diversity and a shortage of skilled professionals. By encouraging and supporting young women to pursue careers in tech through initiatives like 数字她, we can address this imbalance and tap into a wider pool of talent. 另外, promoting diversity in the tech industry can lead to more innovative solutions and better outcomes for society as a whole. It is also essential to support the next generation in developing the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in a rapidly changing industry, and programs like 数字她 can help to bridge the skills gap and prepare young people for the jobs of the future. 整体, launching programs like 数字她 is vital for creating a more 包容 and sustainable tech industry, 使个人和整个社会都受益.

Why do you think it's important that we're reaching out to those younger ages? 

Reaching out to young people is super important because it helps them see what's out there in the tech industry and creates a pool of talented folks. A lot of young people might not even know about the opportunities in tech or might not have the resources to pursue a career in it. 而是通过向他们展示什么是可能的, we can inspire and prepare the next generation of tech innovators, 问题解决者, 以及全能的技术人员. It's especially important for groups that haven't traditionally been represented in tech, 比如女性和少数族裔, who might not have had access to the same opportunities and resources as others. 基本上, by getting young people psyched about tech and giving them the tools to succeed, 我们可以创造一个更加多样化的, 包容, 创新的科技产业为每个人服务.

