
Whether you’re a small business heading into your first ever BFCM or a seasoned digital marketing agency preparing for their sixth (we’re the latter), 总有新的东西要学.

我们想问问我们的专业付费社交主管, web开发者, PPC高管, 电子邮件营销, graphic designers and copywriters what they recommend going into another high-octane advertisement adventure. Read on and discover their top tips to make 2022 your most successful Black Friday yet.

组织是关键-艾米, 文案主管.

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my Black Fridays with DMT, it’s that organisation is key. Anyone who works with me knows how I love to break my days down into a list, but I can’t stress enough how important it is over the Black Friday/Cyber Week madness. 它让我保持清醒——葡萄酒也有帮助.”


“I would say organisation and planning as much as possible is key.”


“让你的晋升尽可能简单! 在黑色星期五期间, 消费者将受到大量内容涌入的冲击, 所以避免过度使用是很重要的. 提高FOMO, use a blanket discount and make your promotions as clear as possible to avoid any confusion.”

更新你的流程——Jamie, 邮件营销团队经理.

“如果你正在进行全站推广, be sure to add it to all of the correct flows (Homepage Pop-up, 退出意图弹出, 受欢迎的系列, 和废弃的车, 以及活动模板). You should also be aware that existing discounts may stack on top of the BFCM discount, 因此,请确保暂时禁用这些功能!”


“BFCM就是谁喊得最响. Be willing to adapt your brand’s tone of voice to something a little more sales-y, 尽可能鼓励FOMO. If you think it’s likely your product is going to sell out, 你最好让顾客知道.”

好的报价=新客户——劳伦 PPC负责人.

“报价要有说服力. Don't just use this as an opportunity to get rid of unwanted stock - Black Friday is a chance to gain new customers who wouldn't have shopped for your brand/product otherwise. Scaling new customer acquisition activity over the BFCM period will pay dividends later as a proportion of those new customers will buy from you again, 所以在做决定时要考虑到重复购买率.——劳伦,PPC的负责人.


“最适合持续1-7天的促销活动, seasonality adjustments allow Google advertisers to adjust bid strategies based upon anticipated and predicted uplifts in conversion rates during peak seasons. As Smart Bidding focuses on long-term seasonal events and 趋势, seasonal adjustments acts as an extra layer for short-term events to allow for machine learning to adapt to temporary CVR spikes at a much quicker pace.”

Launch Early to Get Out of the Learning Phase - Matt, Head of Paid Media.

“事先建立并预热你的听众, as first-party data is so important now following changes made in iOS14.5. 在内容创作上投入大量精力,让自己从人群中脱颖而出, and launch your promotion early with the aim of getting out of the learning phase before the main event. 在Meta上处于学习阶段可能会破坏你的Q4, so keep ad changes to a minimum - it’ll do more harm than good!”


“超越自己. Make sure you’re aligned with the rest of the team and know what needs to be done. Starting early and getting on top of everything will relieve so much stress in the long run and ensure that those last-minute worries can be easily alleviated.”

从人群中脱颖而出- Regan,设计团队经理.

“确保你的广告是原创的. Try to stray away from the generic sale style and try to stand out in the feed. 这会让你更有可能获得转化.”

提前收集资产——Sam, PPC执行官.

“We like to make sure our clients have sent over their promos, assets and budgets in good time. 我们越早拿到这些东西, the more time we have to create better quality ads for the biggest day on the eCommerce calendar.”

Identify Last Year’s Wins - Sarah, Head of eCommerce Strategy.

“从商业战略的角度来看, plan ahead and mark important dates as well as key promotions in your marketing calendar. Identify if there is anything you can bring into this year from last year, 比如对某些产品的需求, 趋势, 竞争对手分析. Then communicate this across your team to ensure everyone knows their role and can operate as smoothly as possible during the peak period.”

现在开始建立你的数据库-蒂姆, 设计主管.

“Start running lead gen on Facebook from October, and integrate that with your ESP. Collect email addresses of prospecting customers interested in early access and exclusive Black Friday offers. Having a large database of engaged users interested in your deals will ensure you are maximising the potential return during the BFCM period.” 

不要有压力——汤姆, 付费社交经理.

“Don't be stressing on the day if results are looking slow. 转换在Meta中是延迟的 & 谷歌分析. 转变将会到来!”

希望, you’re feeling a little better prepared for Black Friday 2022 after reading tips from the experts. 如果不是,不要害怕! 数字媒体团队在这里提供帮助. 你是否需要 重建您的Shopify网站,获得 性能最大化广告 在谷歌上刷新你的 电子邮件营销流程 或者得到一些新的 付费社交广告 现场直播,我们每一步都有专家指导. Get in touch and find out how we can change your business for the better.

